
Quick Facts About Cambodia

Population17 million people
Size181,035 square km
Major LanguagesKhmer
Major ReligionsBuddhism
Life Expectancy68 years men, 73 years women
Main ExportsGarments and Textiles, Footwear, Bicycles, Agricultural Products
Country Overview

Cambodia is a vibrant country with a deep cultural heritage, best known for the Angkor Wat temple complex. The nation has seen rapid economic growth in recent years, with bustling cities like Phnom Penh showcasing a blend of tradition and modernity. Cambodia’s young population has also driven advancements in technology, making the nation increasingly well connected to the global economy.

However, Cambodia faces significant challenges. Many people, especially in rural areas, still grapple with poverty, limited access to education, and healthcare. Environmental issues, like deforestation and pollution, also threaten the country’s natural beauty and sustainability. Despite the strides made, there’s still a long way to go to address these issues and ensure that Cambodia’s growth benefits everyone.

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Cambodia: Informal Education Program

Cambodia: Informal Education Program

This afterschool program addresses gaps in public education and fosters the overall development of children and youth.

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International Needs Canada is a charitable organization with a global network of 34 partner countries. Our approach to development relies on the empowerment of indigenous leaders to bring about change in their local communities. We focus primarily on the empowerment of vulnerable children through education, health and wellness, character development, and skills training.

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International Needs Canada

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Hamilton, ON, Canada, L8T 1S2
Charity Number: #12994 3072 RR0001