Planned Giving
Leave a Legacy
Every year, people like you prepare plans with International Needs Canada to continue changing the story of poverty for future generations.
To help you prepare your will and leave a legacy, we’ve partnered with Christian Stewardship Services (CSS). With their free and confidential service, you get the advice of a certified financial planner, whose planning tools and information will help you with all of the details.

Christian Stewardship Services
There are many options for gift and estate planning. CSS will help you decide, at no charge, which options make the most sense to give as a gift or leave as a lasting legacy. They have expertise in the following areas, and more:
- Will preparation
- Retirement planning
- Business succession planning
- Endowment Gifts
- Gifts of RRSP, RRIF, or Life Insurance Designations
- Gifts of Appreciated Securities
- Charitable Gift Annuities
- Charitable Bequests
- Revocable Deposit Agreements
Contact Christian Stewardship Services at 1-800-267-8890 or send us an email at info@internationalneeds.ca.
About Us
International Needs Canada is a charitable organization with a global network of 34 partner countries. Our approach to development relies on the empowerment of indigenous leaders to bring about change in their local communities. We focus primarily on the empowerment of vulnerable children through education, health and wellness, character development, and skills training.
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Contact Us
International Needs Canada
Toll-free: 1-888-702-9805
Office: 1-905-389-1118
Email: info@internationalneeds.ca
Address: 230-1119 Fennell Ave E.,
Hamilton, ON, Canada, L8T 1S2
Charity Number: #12994 3072 RR0001