Special Projects and Programs
As we walk alongside children, we often discover other pressing needs in their families, schools, and communities. We tackle critical projects and programs such as clean water, medical clinics, parental skill training, and many other projects that directly benefit or improve the lives of the children we serve. Check out our projects and programs below to find the initiative that speaks most to you. For additional information on the countries we support, see the Where We Serve tab on the menu.
Bangladesh: Jessore Vocational Training Centre
The program reaches out to vulnerable women in the area to enable them with income earning opportunities.
Bangladesh: Kamlapur Drop-In Centre
The Kamlapur Drop-In Centre provides children working at the railway station with a safe space to learn, play, and grow.
Bangladesh: Savar Building Project
Savar Children’s Village is a school for vulnerable and orphaned girls. In response to COVID-19, the school is expanding to double the number of girls they serve.
Burkina Faso: La Bonne Nouvelle WASH Project
This project aims to drill a borehole and renovate the bathrooms at La Bonne Nouvelle School in Burkina Faso.
Burkina Faso: Ophel Medical Centre
This project seeks to equip the Ophel Medical Centre in Burkina Faso with essential emergency medical equipment.
Cambodia: Informal Education Program
This afterschool program addresses gaps in public education and fosters the overall development of children and youth.
DRC: Clinique Papillon
Clinique Papillon is a women's medical clinic that specializes in childbirth services and rape recovery support. They also deliver lifesaving surgery, medicine, and other emergency procedures to patie…
DRC: Clinique Papillon Expansion
Clinique Papillon is a medical clinic that serves the poorest families in Lubumbashi. The clinic now has the opportunity to purchase the buildings next door and expand their services to reach even mor…
DRC: Ephphata Creations
Ephphata Creations equips deaf and hard-of-hearing students from the Ephphata School with practical woodworking skills and provides graduates with a platform to build successful carpentry careers.
Ghana: Avakpedome WASH Project
This project aims to build a new bathroom facility at the Avakpedome School in Ghana.
Guatemala: Survive and Thrive
This program educates families about the vital role early childhood development and nutrition play in children's mental and physical growth.
Kenya: Boys Empowerment Program
This program will help end the cycle of gender discrimination in Limuru and guide boys into becoming responsible and respectful men.
Kenya: Kibera Good News Clubs
The clubs were established to provide a safe space for vulnerable children living in the Kibera Slum.
Kenya: Limuru Bible Clubs
The clubs will provide a safe space for vulnerable children and youth to learn and grow in Limuru.
Kenya: Real Hope Safe House & Drop-In Centre
The Real Hope Safe House and Drop-In Centre was established to bring hope and protection to vulnerable children living in the Kawangware Slums.
Kenya: The Joyful Hearts Centre
A community based rehabilitation program for children with cerebral palsy in Kawangware Slum.
Nepal: Lydia Vocational Training Centre
The Lydia Vocational Training Centre teaches women skills that will enable them to find employment and support themselves and their families.
Nepal: Sewing Machine Project
The project seeks to provide graduates of the sewing program at the Lydia Centre with their own sewing machines so that they're able to earn a living.
Nepal: The Women’s Empowerment Program
This program will provide women skilled in trades with business and entrepreneurship training, and provide loans for women to open or improve their businesses.
Zambia: The Women’s Co-op Project
This project trains vulnerable women to grow produce, raise livestock, and develop farming businesses.
Zambia: ZACTS School Fish Farming Project
The ZACTS School has expanded the school's farm to include fish, creating food supply for the school and income generation for the community through sustainable agriculture.
Zambia: ZACTS Student Agricultural Program
The ZACTS School runs a farm on its premises to both supply nutritious food for students and generate funds for its operations. Now, they’re looking to broaden the program to offer students learning o…
About Us
International Needs Canada is a charitable organization with a global network of 34 partner countries. Our approach to development relies on the empowerment of indigenous leaders to bring about change in their local communities. We focus primarily on the empowerment of vulnerable children through education, health and wellness, character development, and skills training.
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International Needs Canada
Toll-free: 1-888-702-9805
Office: 1-905-389-1118
Email: info@internationalneeds.ca
Address: 230-1119 Fennell Ave E.,
Hamilton, ON, Canada, L8T 1S2
Charity Number: #12994 3072 RR0001