Bonavista Church | Saturday, September 28th

The walk’s aim was to raise funds for a water and sanitation project at a school called La Bonne Nouvelle in Bobo-Dioulasso.

La Bonne Nouvelle serves 800 students and 37 staff, but faces significant water and sanitation challenges. The school experiences frequent water outages during school hours, forcing students to seek unsafe water sources or even miss school to find water elsewhere. This situation leads to water-related illnesses and impacts attendance and academic performance. The school’s latrines are also in disrepair, lacking basic hygiene standards and handwashing stations.

It’s not too late to support the Bonne Nouvelle WASH Project! Even though the walk has already taken place, you can make a general donation to the project through the donation form below. 

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International Needs Canada is a charitable organization with a global network of 34 partner countries. Our approach to development relies on the empowerment of indigenous leaders to bring about change in their local communities. We focus primarily on the empowerment of vulnerable children through education, health and wellness, character development, and skills training.

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International Needs Canada

Toll-free: 1-888-702-9805
230-1119 Fennell Ave E.,
Hamilton, ON, Canada, L8T 1S2
Charity Number: #12994 3072 RR0001