Ephphata School for the Deaf

Ephphata School for the Deaf seeks to empower children and young adults with hearing loss by giving them a quality education and trade, enabling them to become self-supporting, productive members of society.
The Problem

Congolese children with hearing loss suffer great stigma due to a lack of understanding in their culture. The deaf are often perceived by their families and society to be unintelligent and worthless; as a result, many are rejected and left to fend for themselves. 

The Program

The Ephphata School for the Deaf provides a safe haven where more than 250 children of all ages receive a quality education, vocational training, nutritious food, and a sense of self-worth. The program offers reading, writing, sign language, math, sciences, arts, sports, sewing and carpentry.

When Rachel was small, she became very ill with malaria and lost her hearing. It wasn’t until she was 13 years old that she began attending classes at Ephphata School for the Deaf in Lubumbashi, DR Congo. Speaking through an interpreter Rachel shared, “Before I came to school, I couldn’t read or write or count or do math. Now I can do all these things! My greatest joy is being able to read the Bible for myself.” Rachel hopes to find work as a seamstress once she finishes her studies.

How Your Gift Helps!

Overall, your support empowers deaf children to overcome the stigma of hearing loss and feel loved, as well as a sense that they belong.  The education and vocational training enables them to navigate the world and become self-supporting, productive members of society. Your gift also enables the school buy tools and equipment for the carpentry workshop. Thanks to some generous donors who pay all our overhead, 100% of your gift will be sent to the Ephphata School for the Deaf!

100% Of Your Donation

will be used to improve the lives of children in the Congo, thanks to some generous donors who pay all our overhead.

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About Us

International Needs Canada is a charitable organization with a global network of 34 partner countries. Our approach to development relies on the empowerment of indigenous leaders to bring about change in their local communities. We focus primarily on the empowerment of vulnerable children through education, health and wellness, character development, and skills training.

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International Needs Canada

Toll-free: 1-888-702-9805
230-1119 Fennell Ave E.,
Hamilton, ON, Canada, L8T 1S2
Charity Number: #12994 3072 RR0001